What Kristi's Harping On Now

The occasional ramblings, meditations, and thrilling adventures of Kristi A.

Location: Washington, United States

I am a follower of Christ, wife, musician, daughter, sister, aunt, student, and friend.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Little sinners

Whoever called children innocent? Naive perhaps, but not innocent or sinless. I've come to the conclusion that the rotten human nature we adults try to conceal can be seen in undisguised glory in children. They have simply to yet experience sanctification and/or learn the manners and methods to win friends and influence people.

I witnessed clear evidence of this little sin nature today. My nephew and nieces were over, and while I sat reading a book, they splashed around in the pool and otherwise amused themselves. I occasionally tuned in to their conversation and found myself smiling. It sounded something like this: "Look at me!" "Look what I can do." "Oh, that's so easy! I can do it better." "Can you do this?" "I bet you can't do this!" Each tried to outdo and impress the others with some incredible feat of skill and bravery, while none cared an iota what the others did. They didn't seem to realize that little fact, so they continued in their attempts to totally wow their siblings. Now, this is not meant as a criticism of my nephew and nieces in any way, for this behavior is certainly not unique to them. I think I've witnessed it in about every child I've known.

The sad thing is that some people never outgrow this behavior! My mom and I commented on how revolting it is when a grown person exhibits that same selfish pride and thinks the world revolves around them. How does that saying go: "He who blows his own horn plays a solo"? Something like that. Anyway, I guess the challenge for parents and teachers is to nip that naturally selfish worldview in the bud while yet affirming the child's worth. And may we who are old enough remember that pride impresses nobody but ourselves.


Blogger Kate said...

Kristy! I agree about the little sinners bit, but I was also just on your profile enjoying your lists of favorites- a lot of my favorites are on there. Secondhand Lions and David Copperfield... have you ever watched Savannah Smiles? Its an old one (70's or 80's), but lovely. Are you coming to the Family Convention? Looking forward to seeing you if you are.

11:25 PM  
Blogger pennyjean said...

Thank you for that reminder of how unattractive and sinful selfishness is.

Love you!

4:14 AM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Yes, Katie, I have seen Savannah Smiles...a long time ago. Don't remember much, so I'll have to see it again if you recommend it so highly. And yes, I'm coming to the Family Convention!

8:00 AM  
Blogger Loreo said...

OoH! Ooh! Look at my comment--I can do better! Look at me!

9:30 AM  
Blogger Booker said...

That is why I say "spank'em all!" Covers all the bases...

5:04 PM  

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