What Kristi's Harping On Now

The occasional ramblings, meditations, and thrilling adventures of Kristi A.

Location: Washington, United States

I am a follower of Christ, wife, musician, daughter, sister, aunt, student, and friend.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Adventures in a New Land

It feels like a month since I last wrote, but come to think of it, it is different month! What a week this has been. The days up to our move were very full, with early mornings and late nights. Since my dad has been working so hard to complete the new house, my mom and I were responsible for packing up the old house. After looking at all my stuff, my mom said I need my own place! It's true -- I could fill up at least an apartment pretty nicely with my stuff.

Thursday was the official moving day. We were so blessed with amazing weather all week. It was so warm and sunny. We hired movers this time, something we've never done. I had expected three or four guys, but it was only two medium sized Mexicans. (Sounds like a Taco Time order.) They had the whole house packed into the truck by 4:00. A couple local friends came over and helped us clean as the house was emptied. I had made a trip in the morning to the new house with a load of fragile or open stuff that we didn't want to go in the truck. Amazing how much stuff you can fit in a minivan. After the movers left, I said good bye to our little house (trying not to be too sentimental), and with harps, pictures, and unhappy kitty in the van, took off for the new house again.

Since I was heading across the Narrows Bridge in the afternoon, I hit the infamous bridge traffic, something the new bridge is supposed to "cure" when it's opened. So during that time of slowness, I decided to let Cheeky out of his uncomfortable little carrier. He prowled around a little bit, but was mostly content to sit in my lap and be comforted in his affliction. Probably looked funny to other drivers to see this little furry face peering through the driver's window!

Kind church friends came over that evening to help us get settled in. Most of the living area in our house is upstairs, and the only connection is a curved staircase, which the movers were probably cursing by the end of the evening! They were really huffing getting our upright piano up the stairs. At least we don't have a grand. :-)

We did all we could and then headed off to our new living abode. An older couple in our church live in this very nice log cabin overlooking the Sound. Over their detached garage is a studio apartment, a charming little place complete with several beds, a bathroom, kitchenette, wood stove, and sitting area. It's all one big room actually. We've been staying nights there since Thursday, and the lady of the house has been so hospitable. She's fed us several lovely meals, while we sat on our back patio and watched the boats go by. They're rather wealthy due to several inheritances, and this house is something straight out of a magazine. Betty is a one of a kind person with an outgoing and generous personality. We feel so blessed to have this restful haven to stay in while we wait for our house to be completed. That probably won't happen for another week or so, but we trust that God is allowing this little time of rest and waiting for a purpose. I'm glad I took off this week from teaching.

The log house is set back in the woods, so there are plenty of wild creatures around, like deer, raccoons, coyotes, and all manner of birds. On Friday night, I'd left my van windows open because it was warm and it seemed like a safe enough area. The only thing I didn't count on was four-footed bandits! When I came out on Saturday morning, I instantly noticed something amiss. The cup from Jamba Juice that had been in my cup holder was now on its side in the passenger seat, as well as a Starbucks bag of crumbs, and a few other pieces of trash. The leftover liquid from my peachy drink were spilled all over the cloth seat. It didn't take long to figure out that a greedy little raccoon had helped himself to whatever goodies he could find. Little paw prints on my front hood proved its guilt. So of course, I keep my windows closed now!

Well, I think that's all I'll write for now. Once I get some new batteries for my camera, I'll post some pictures. But at least I wanted to report that the move went well, we're doing well, and Cheeky has adjusted well. We love our new area and are looking forward to living in our new house. Thanks for your prayers!


Blogger lis said...

Hooray! Welcome home!

10:57 PM  
Blogger Mrs. RF said...

Thanks for the update. Glad Cheeky is doing OK so far. He will enjoy the new house when you finally get settled in there.

6:13 AM  

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