What Kristi's Harping On Now

The occasional ramblings, meditations, and thrilling adventures of Kristi A.

Location: Washington, United States

I am a follower of Christ, wife, musician, daughter, sister, aunt, student, and friend.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Birthday Report

Many thanks to those who sent birthday greetings my way yesterday! Those who didn't have been put down on my black list for future reference. Just kidding! I had a very pleasant day. I started out dutifully with exercise and a bike ride, but my bike was having issues and the weather was kind of cold, so I wimped out after a couple miles and turned around. One shouldn't have to exert one's self too hard on one's birthday, should one! The rest of the morning was spent preparing for my noontide tea. I set the table quite fancy with china finery and then made little tea sandwiches and scones. Four dear friends came over around 12:00 or later and we had a merry time partaking of all the delicacies and laughing heartily over just about anything. Five girls, many cups of caffeine, and chocolate is a potentially dangerous combination! Another girl and I were both wearing dresses with ribbons that tied around the waist; we laughed so hard the bows were undone!

Later on, my parents and I went to the Olive Garden for dinner. By then, I wasn't feeling too great from all the caffeine and sugar, but I still enjoyed the yummy food. Oh! My parents gave me a digital camera for my birthday!! I was really hoping for one, and they quite outdid themselves. It's a Nikon 5600 and way more complicated than my 8 year-old Canon point-and-shoot specialty. But I'm sure I'll have fun figuring it out. Thanks, Brad, for the recommendation! My mom got it at the local Kits Camera. I came home and felt like watching a movie. I'd just bought "Return to Me" at the library for a dollar (!), so I decided to watch that for the hundredth time. Such a great movie. The end.


Blogger Mrs. RF said...

So glad to hear about your new camera! Now we want pictures on your blog! Have fun figuring out how to use it!

Sounds like you had a good day- thanks for the report.

7:01 AM  

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