What Kristi's Harping On Now

The occasional ramblings, meditations, and thrilling adventures of Kristi A.

Location: Washington, United States

I am a follower of Christ, wife, musician, daughter, sister, aunt, student, and friend.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A Stowaway!

On Thursdays I travel to a few homes to teach voice. One of these families has quite a few animals, including cats, dogs, chickens, and various other farm critters. I had left my window halfway down so it wouldn't get hot in the car. Done it before, never had reason to doubt the wisdom of this cooling method. Well, I'd just left and was driving slowly up their long gravel drive, when I was startled to feel something soft and furry down around my legs. What the...?! Their orange cat darted out with a look of sheer panic! He dashed from the seat to the dashboard to the back of the van, then started meowing pathetically. I had to back down the driveway and let him out the back door. He shot out of there like a cannon ball and had a most perturbed expression on his little feline face! By then I was laughing so hard I was almost crying, and I continued laughing for at least 10 minutes. Just what I needed.

At another house they have a Siamese kitten who's about 8 or 10 weeks old. She's so cute! I asked to hold her and she settled down quite cozily on my lap while I was teaching. She was what I call "liquid kitty" - the kind that melts in total relaxation. Her little motor was going and I was petting her with one hand while playing the piano with the other. She looked a little annoyed when I was patting my left hand in rhythm and started patting her instead of my knee.

As you can tell, I'm a total cat freak. If you've seen Evan around pugs, well, I'm worse around cats. The only kinds I don't like are the Himalayan types that look like they ran into a wall and never recovered. And super long hair is not attractive. But otherwise, I gravitate toward any cat in sight and become their obedient, driveling slave. Kittens are especially my undoing, but my supersensible mom won't let me get one because I already have a cat. :-( Once I and my puss are gone, she's washing her hands of the whole four-footed species. I think she'll secretly miss them, though. Something about a cat makes a home. Coming into my room and seeing my kitty all curled up and cozy in his little bed makes me feel so homey and happy. :-D Okay, that's enough sappiness for one night!


Blogger Rex Tyrannus said...

Aha! A catnapper. Please come visit our farm and leave your window down.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Rex Tyrannus said...

(i.e. we have excess felines)

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're just blessed it wasn't a male cat that felt it needed to 'mark' the inside of your vehicle! (We had a cat do that in our old truck... 3 years later you could still smell it. No amount of scent-mask or soap will remove that musk smell from a seat!!) I rarely leave the windows more then 1/4 down since!

12:23 AM  
Blogger Loreo said...

I could picture perfectly the cat in your car, Kristi. I know exactly what the panicked look and the cannonball exit look like. HA HA!!
Jeremy, if something like that ever happens again, although it seems doubtful with 1/4 inch clearance, try Febreeze! You spray it on bad smelling stuff, and when it dries, the smell is gone. A new breakthrough--I love that stuff. You're not just perfuming stink--I don't really know how it works.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Laughter said...

Yes, if you don't want cats around (or alive), just call DJ's Exterminator Service.

Motto: "We find joy in our work"

*smiles angelically*

11:00 AM  

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