What Kristi's Harping On Now

The occasional ramblings, meditations, and thrilling adventures of Kristi A.

Location: Washington, United States

I am a follower of Christ, wife, musician, daughter, sister, aunt, student, and friend.

Friday, February 10, 2006


...Half Birthday to Me!! Yup, today I turn exactly 26 1/2! Not exactly a red letter day, but I always notice anyway. I can't believe how quickly the past six months have flown by!

Today is an absolutely gorgeous day, which is so refreshing and rejuvenating after the weeks and weeks of rain we've had. The sky is brilliant blue and the mountains are showing off their snowy splendor. This morning I played ball with my nephew Will in the back yard and then ate my cereal while sitting on the back step. It felt SO good, even though it was only 40 degrees!

Lori is in NH right now, so we're watching the two boys today. Actually, Zach is off with my dad to work, while Will is happily playing here. I'm so glad he's finally outgrown his terrible twos and become a sweet little three year old! I'm sure Lori's rejoicing, too. When I have kids, I think I'll just skip all the bad stages. Hmm...maybe that doesn't work.

The Olympics start tonight!! I want to watch the Opening Ceremonies and catch as much figure skating as I can. I remember watching the '92 Winter Olympics and cheering on Kristi Yamaguchi. Wow, that's a long time ago.

I've got to go to work!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy half-birthday!

Juli and I sort of keep track of our because we're 18 months apart!


10:48 PM  

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