What Kristi's Harping On Now

The occasional ramblings, meditations, and thrilling adventures of Kristi A.

Location: Washington, United States

I am a follower of Christ, wife, musician, daughter, sister, aunt, student, and friend.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Midnight Adventures

My friend Kristin from Canada arrived yesterday, partly because we're singing for a wedding tonight and partly just to visit. So we got home pretty late from the rehearsal dinner and visiting with some other friends. We assumed we'd just go to bed, little knowing all the adventures the night would hold!

It started with the spider in the bathroom. I rarely have spiders in my bathroom. This was a strange looking spider with funny little antennae (Kristin accidentally called them antlers) in the front. We watched him crawl all over the bathroom, exclaiming over his scariness and deciding what to do. I finally took the bull by the antlers, so to speak, and squashed him into a pancake over the shower.

"Goodnight!" Doors close.


I went outside to call Cheeky in, but he didn't come, and his meow sounded kind of distant. Kristin came out and we discovered he was on the roof. I've never seen him on the roof before. There he was with the backdrop of the starry night, meowing away, looking very worried. I thought he would figure out how to get down the way he got up, which was probably one of the side fences, but it seemed to be too far down for him. I tried coaxing him down, but to no avail. I finally went into my dad's shop, got a big ladder, and set it up near the roof. This was in sight of the road, and about 11:45, but wouldn't you know, that just as I mount the ladder in my flaming red pajamas, someone drives by! Aaaagh! I think they slowed down a little too. But I proceeded up, and after a little resistance, grabbed Cheeky and descended. He didn't even say thank you.

We put the ladder back and went to the back door. It was closed and locked. I learned this morning my mom had come out to find the door open and lights on and just went ahead and locked them without seeing where we were! Fortunately, a side door of the garage was open and we stumbled through the dark and dangerous garage to safety at last. Phew! What adventures!


Then I started wondering if maybe a bad guy had snuck in the house and locked it after us and was at that moment lurking somewhere. So I started looking around, not finding anything. Kristin came out of her room, declaring there was a wasp in her room. There's never a wasp in that room. I gave her the fly swatter and we discussed who was going to kill it. She did, since I had killed the spider.

By now it was about midnight and we really did say goodnight for the last time! I went to bad laughing to myself over all the strange adventures of one midsummer night.


Blogger Jill said...

What a night! Glad you were able to laugh about it all. I think I would have been mad--sleep is a pretty precious commodity, and having it interrupted by little creatures is not a happy thing. Your adventures certainly made for an amusing blog!

1:08 PM  
Blogger Mrs. RF said...

I greatly enjoyed hearing about your adventures! Nothing like a little excitement to make life interesting. Cheeky should have been inside killing the creatures for you...but maybe that is why he was on the roof- to avoid them.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Wow! (I was going to say what a night until I saw that Jill said it; I am tired and can't think of anything else to say, so "Wow!" will have to do, i guess. :)

8:53 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

By the way, where I am it is NOT 8:53. If it were, I would not be tired. Just a little explanation...

8:53 PM  

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