What Kristi's Harping On Now

The occasional ramblings, meditations, and thrilling adventures of Kristi A.

Location: Washington, United States

I am a follower of Christ, wife, musician, daughter, sister, aunt, student, and friend.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

It's the Most Crazy Time of the Year

Just a little perversion of a famous Christmas song title. But hey, this year isn't as bad as some years. Three years ago yesterday we moved into our new house -- the second time we've moved in December. That was probably the most stressful week of my life! Let me tell you about it: Monday, the 8th, I taught music at school and packed. Tuesday was moving day. It was a cold day, and we started early. In the afternoon I had to run off to direct a performance my homeschool choir was doing at a nursing home. I rushed back to the move and we worked all the way into the evening. My back was sore from moving boxes, of course. On Wednesday morning, I had to get up early and go teach at school, after which, my harp and I traveled in the rain to another location where I played and sang for a Christian Women's Club brunch. On the way back from that, as I looked forward to getting home and relaxing, I was sitting at a stoplight, when I heard a crash, then saw the crash, then felt the crash, as a car from the opposite direction piled into about four of us at the stop light. I was on the end, so the impact of several cars hit me. Fortunately, my Astro van was sturdy enough to withstand a lot. The driver side of the van was pretty banged up, and my back hurt, but the harp was okay.

So I went home, iced my back, and called my insurance agent and chiropractor. So much for a fun day. The next day I had a homeschool choir rehearsal to go to. In the evening I went to a Nutrcracker rehearsal. Before I left, I cried from all the stress, frustration, and pain I was feeling. There were literally no spare moments that week. Friday was the last day of school and little Christmas party. I think I finally got into the chiropractor that day, and had to go frequently over the next few weeks. My choir's Christmas concert was that night, and then I had 4 Nutcracker performances that weekend. See why that week stands out in my mind? But I survived, praise the Lord!

This December is much better! Not having school or choir performances helps. Last Saturday, the 2nd, we had a Christmas luncheon/party here for my mom's 60th birthday. A bunch of ladies came to that and properly blessed her. My parents and I went out to dinner in the evening. On Friday I drove up to B.C., where my friend Kristin and I gave a Christmas concert in the evening. It was a small church, but a pretty good turnout. I drove the 3 or 4 hours home yesterday, rested a bit, then headed out for a 3 hour restaurant gig. I wasn't feeling at my best for that, and was so glad to get home. Next weekend will be busy with a birthday party, my big Christmas party, 2 choir performances I'm playing for, my church's Christmas program, and an Irish Tenors concert. Whew! At least it's not all work. :-)


Blogger Booker said...

That's nuts! imo anyway. I would die having a schedule like that. I guess that is why God made us all different :-)

7:25 PM  

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